Osa Natalie Fraser

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The Root

This is the start of the road. It begins with Guilt and journeys to Pride,goes on to Humility and arrives at your personal version of Reverence. This is where the root is balanced, open, and healed.

I’ll be using Hindu/yogic, Christian and new age modalities to say that all share the same truths and offerings for healing oneself. They have been there for us for thousands of years. They exist in indigenous teachings, science, western and eastern mental health modalities, fairy tales, mythologies, archetypal systems, paganism, you name it. I have refined it and will learn it more deeply as I share and teach it with others.

In all, it is best to start at the root and grow up from there. All things with a strong foundation grow better and last longer. 

The universal wound, at the root of us all, is guilt. This fear is often rooted in the western world as the fear of God; the notion that any “bad thing” a person has ever done will come back to bite you in the bum. You can recognize this block if you cannot stabilize, or you cannot get your needs met, or if you are the type of person always scrambling to pay the bills and are almost always in a state of chaos ( even if you think you hide it well). Boy do I know this one lol.

When you are blocked in this guilt, a common defense is pride. 

This reveals itself as an attempt to hide what’s inside and over compensate for the outer world by being prideful. The outcome of this pride is  having an excessively high opinion of oneself which is based on lies.This results in a person’s insides not matching their outsides.

Once a person can see themselves honestly in this root issue, they can move from that first ”sin” of pride  into the “virtue” of humility. This is not to say one needs to be or feel humiliated, but one needs to take a knee (or two) and take a humble, non-prideful look at one’s inner truth and contradictions and find out where it all started. One learns how to change the lens from a fear story to one of compassion, and love. (I can help you)

From there one can journey to the “grace” of reverence.

What is reverence? It is a true belief and awareness that there is something, a universal force that is bigger than oneself.

Can it be non religious? Yes. Reverence actually means deep respect for someone or something. It is also described in definition as profound respect and love. We can all find that.

In Hinduism the root represents “I am”; getting to know who one is. By this I mean knowing oneself on their own terms honestly, not based on the desires, approval or expectations of others. 

The steps above lead to this knowing of self.

All of this work requires a person to be mindful, to live consciously considering self and others lovingly and respectfully.

Let’s balance true rest with honest awakening and mindful living. I can walk you through the steps of your own becoming or returning  to your grown self. This is a lifelong journey of recalibration.

The path you walk with me can be seen as healing, or as a spiritual journey or just as plain old growing up and getting mature.

Either way it will be worth it for you, and the people you share space with. It is also a way of clearing ancestral wounds so they are no longer paid forward to our children.