Step into the light


It’s not always easy to be seen, especially after a three year pandemic that threw so many of us into isolation. 

It’s time to come out and play! You may be feeling nervous or unsure. That’s ok. As a counselor, I can tell you that most people are. 

I learned so much about myself during the time alone in the pandemic. I also healed a lot of old wounds and have a few new ones I’m tending to. How about you? 

As I step back into the world I’m not the same as I was before. I have new and different boundaries than I did before. I protect my energy and my health differently. All this to say I’m different and many common things feel new to me now. 

I always use to find the unknown the most stressful trigger for me. Now, I’m getting better at it as I have learned it’s where all the magic happens. 

So I invite you to step into the unknown, the fear, as fear is often just false evidence appearing real. I’ve been reminding myself that as my ego’s fear says no and my grown self steps into all kinds of newness. I’m putting myself out there, while listening to my heart and body, and boy have I been rewarded and supported in a way I never expected. 

Learning to be alone with ourselves is so key to our health, but so is community, connection, intimacy and play. I worked for the Alzheimer’s Society for a bit researching activities for brain health. What I learned was that as soon as our brains are developed they start to deteriorate, and once we know how to do a thing well if it no longer is maintaining brain health. So what I learned is I have to keep learning and doing new things to keep my brain strong and protected.

So don’t let fear rule. Let it be a catalyst for new action. Take reasonable risk, go into your unknown, try things put before you you never imagined you would ever enjoy. 

Step into the light so I can see you, find you, get to know you, and find common ground with you. You’re worth it.

Natalie FraserComment